| | | | | |  | | | | Relevante has scheduled a full day webinar on Corporate Taxation worth 8 Tax CPE Credits on Wednesday, December 16th 2009. | | | | TIME (EST) | | Sales & Use Taxation – Compliance, Audit Defense and Reverse Audit | 08:10 AM – 09:00 AM | | Tax Planning Strategies for Business Owning Real Estate | 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM | | Break | 09:50 AM – 10:05 AM | | The Tax Implications of Buying and Selling a Business In These Trying Times | 10:05 AM – 11:45 AM | | Lunch | 11:45 AM – 12:25 PM | | Issues in Not-for-Profit Tax Compliance | 12:25 PM – 02:05 PM | | Break | 02:05 PM– 02:20 PM | | The Most Compelling Income Tax Planning Opportunities Today | 02:20 PM – 03:10 PM | | | WHO SHOULD ATTEND | • CFOs • VP- Finance • Internal Audit Directors • Controllers • Audit Managers • Finance Directors • Finance Managers • Risk Management professionals • Consultants • Internal Controls Managers • Staff Accountants • IT Managers • Information Security Managers • Accountants • Staff/Senior Auditors • Project Managers • SOX Managers | | | Corporate Taxation Symposium | | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 | Time | 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM | CPE Credits | 8 TAX Credits | Cost | $99 | For More Information Click Here | | | CO-PRESENTERS | | |  | | | | | | Todd Turk CPA, CMI National Tax Director Paragon Tax Group, LLC | Todd Turk brings 13 years of experience providing corporations with advice on state sales and use taxation, federal taxation, and other state tax matters in both boutique consulting firms and public accounting. His strategies have resulted in millions of dollars of savings for clients in both small firms and in large, Fortune 500 corporations. His primary responsibilities are developing and implementing Sales and Use Tax compliance strategies, conducting Sales and Use Tax refund reviews, and assisting clients through state Sales and Use Tax audits. Mr. Turk speaks at numerous conferences on state and local taxation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  | Deborah S. Rock, CPA, CVA Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP | Deborah S. Rock, CPA, CVA is a Business Valuation & Litigation Consultant of the Lancaster office of Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP. Deb's experience includes small business reviews and compilations, but she specializes in matters of business valuation, litigation and fraud. Deb joined the firm in 2003 and has over four years of experience in public accounting and more than twenty years experience in private industry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  | Gerald R. Slapkus, CPA, MST Tax Manager Elko & Associates Ltd | Gerry joined the Elko team in 1997, first as consultant, and later moving to full-time employment as a manager in the tax department. Prior to that, he spent 11 years with Touche Ross in Philadelphia (now Deloitte), rising to the senior manager level, and 6 years as the tax director of QVC, Inc. Collectively, he has almost 30 years in the tax arena. Over his career, he has worked primarily with the taxation of corporations and partnerships. At Elko, he has developed technical niche areas dealing with mergers and acquisitions, and is generally the "go to person" for most tax issues involving "for-profit" entities. He has been an instructor for numerous in-house CPE sessions and outside seminars on individual and business year end planning, business succession planning, state taxation, and various other tax concepts. He is also a key player in recruiting and providing insight and support with regard to the development of personnel guidelines for the tax department and the firm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  | Eric R. Wenger, CPA, MST Tax Partner Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP | Eric is the Partner-In-Charge of the Tax Services Group in Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP’s Lancaster office. He specializes in strategic tax planning and compliance for corporations, partnerships and individuals. Eric works extensively with the firm’s tax outsourcing clients, dealing with issues surrounding consolidated tax returns, multi-state taxation and accounting for income taxes. He has experience successfully representing clients before the IRS and state tax agencies. He also is active in the firm’s recruiting initiatives. Eric joined the firm in 2002 and was named to the partnership in 2008. He previously practiced in tax with KPMG LLP and Arthur Andersen LLP. Eric regularly presents seminars and CPE programs on various tax-related topics. He has volunteered to teach various accounting topics with World Vision in Ghana, Africa and with Educational Services International in China. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Gerald M. Farley Vice President Bernstein Global Wealth Management | Mr. Farley is an advisor in the Philadelphia office of Bernstein Global Wealth Management. He is responsible for advising affluent families and institutions, as well as their respective trusts, estates, foundations, endowments and pension plans. Mr. Farley, in conjunction with Bernstein’s Wealth Management Group, works closely with his client’s trusted tax and legal advisors on all matters, including tax and estate planning, concentrated stock positions and the sale of privately held businesses. Mr. Farley worked for a Fortune 500 company for fifteen years. As an Executive, his responsibilities included financial analysis, budgeting and strategic planning for the firm’s institutional clients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Wendy Clavin Tax Compliance Manager PricewaterhouseCoopers | Wendy Clavin resides in the Philadelphia office of PricewaterhouseCoopers where she is a tax compliance Manager in the Firm’s NTS EOTS Practice. In this role, Wendy’s practice focuses on providing advice regarding tax compliance issues associated with both tax-exempt and for-profit organizations, including higher education and health care organizations. Wendy has over 10 years of experience serving a variety of PwC clients. She also has extensive experience with unrelated business income, Partnership issues, controversy resolution, as well as other tax compliance issues associated with, corporations, insurance companies, trusts, estates, limited liability companies, and S-Corporations. Wendy has presented "The New Form 990" before United Way and various PwC clients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Charles Petosa, MBA, CPA Senior Consultant Relevante, Inc | Chuck is a Certified Public Accountant with 24 years of hands-on experience in business management, including over 19 years reporting to senior management levels. He has a thorough knowledge of financial analysis, management, reporting, business process, internal control, corporate governance and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Chuck has broad experience in industries including real estate, wholesaling, retail, manufacturing, advertising and higher education. He continues to provide organizations with teaching, supervision, training and staff development and has taught a variety of accounting courses at several local colleges and universities. | | | | | | Sales & Use Taxation – Compliance, Audit Defense and Reverse Audit Learning Objectives: Educate your corporate taxation audience on topical areas to maximize sales & use tax refunds and compliance, and minimize audit exposure. Time 8:10 – 9:00 AM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Tax Speaker Todd Turk, CPA, CMI National Tax Director Paragon Tax Group | Tax Planning Strategies for Business Owning Real Estate Learning Objectives: Recent tax law changes have created unique cash flow generating opportunities for any business that owns real estate. This seminar will highlight recent court cases and tax laws that permit businesses to write off previously unclaimed cumulative depreciation deductions. Even businesses that sustain taxable losses may benefit from this strategy because of the law passed in November 2009 that now permits businesses to carry back taxable losses five years. Time 09:00 – 09:50 AM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Tax Speakers Eric R. Wenger, CPA, MST Deborah S. Rock, CPA, CVA Tax Partner Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP | The Tax Implications of Buying and Selling a Business In These Trying Times Learning Objectives: Topic deals with the tax impact on buyers and sellers who choose to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of their business. It will cover the benefits and pitfalls of specific entity structures, conversion of the entity from one form to another, ways to transfer the business that will provide the maximum tax benefit for the buyers and the sellers, and the tax impact of transfers on key employees, family members and any other parties to the transaction. Time 10:05 – 11:45 AM (EST) CPE Credits 2 - Tax Speaker Gerald R. Slapkus, CPA, MST Tax Manager Elko & Associates | Issues in Not-for-Profit Tax Compliance Learning Objectives: The participant will be able to recognize common types of tax-exempt, not-for-profit organizations; what makes them tax-exempt; what tax-exempt actually means; the tax implications of various transactions; and the types of tax compliance issues faced by those organizations. Time 12:25 – 2:05 PM (EST) CPE Credits 2 - Tax Speaker Chuck Petosa, MBA, CPA Wendy Clavin Senior Consultant Tax Compliance Manager Relevante, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers | The Most Compelling Income Tax Planning Opportunities Today Time 02:20 – 03:10 PM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Tax Speaker Gerald M. Farley Vice President Bernstein Global Wealth Management | | | | About Relevante Inc. Relevante is a leading consulting practice providing Accounting & Technology Solutions to Fortune 1000 and other industry leaders. The company services clients throughout the metro markets of Philadelphia, New York and Hyderabad, India. For more information about Relevante, please visit our website at: www.relevante.com. | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  | Relevante Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE Sponsors. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, Nashville TN 37219-2417. Telephone: 615-880-4200. Website: www.nasba.org | | | | | | | | | | |
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