| |  | |  | | Speakers : | | |  | | |  | | | Mr.Sankaran Venkataramani | | Associate Director, IT Advisory Services, KPMG and Regional Head (Chennai) | | | | | |  |  |  | | Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM IST | |  | Organizational Excellence through PCMM |  | Join us as we examine issues that are critical in the face of current economic turmoil | Organizations have started realizing that business results depend largely on the Quality of their workforce. Process improvement initiatives such as ISO 9001, CMMI, Six sigma are incomplete unless the people factors are addressed. People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) developed by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University, provides comprehensive framework for building the Organizational capability to manage the workforce. To know more about PCMM in detail hear the experts from KPMG speak on “Organizational Excellence through PCMM | | | | | | | |  | | Speakers : | | |  | | |  | | | Mr. Krishnamurthy Kothandaraman ( KK Raman) | | Executive Director, Advisory Services, KPMG | | | | |  | | A Compulink consultant will also demonstrate, its web based Whizible HCM application that empowers HR to meet the challenges faced by HR Professionals, in today's times. | A G Dilip Chari Vice President- Sales, India Business Head Compulink Systems Ltd. | Phone: +91 99 879 111 99 Email: dilipc@compulink.co.in www.compulinkgroup.com | |  Pls have a Live Chat with our Specialist from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST | | | | You are receiving this e-mail because you happen to be either our esteemed client or were added to our comprehensive database on account of your important position in this domain. However, if you have erroneously received this e-mail or should you no longer wish to receive any further mails from our side, please respond back with subject “Unsubscribe” & quote your name and email ID | | Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary. Spread environmental awareness. | Compulink Systems Ltd.; "Kshitij"; Plot No. 38, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjewadi, Pune 411057 | | | | |
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