| | | | | | | | | | | Relevante has scheduled a full day onsite symposium on Realigning Priorities of Internal Audit to Add Value worth 8 CPE Credits on October 22nd 2009 at Malvern, PA. | | | UPCOMING SYMPOSIA | | Corporate Taxation Symposium (Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009) | | AGENDA | • Registration and Continental Breakfast | 07:30 – 08:00 AM | • Introductions and Welcoming Remarks | 08:00– 08:10 AM | | TIME (EST) | • The Role of Internal Audit in Enterprise Risk Management | 08:10 – 09:50 AM | • Break | 09:50 – 10:05 AM | • Using IA for Process Improvement | 10:05 – 10:55 AM | • Managing the Business Risk of Fraud | 10:55 – 11:45 AM | • Lunch | 11:45 – 12:25 PM | • Audit the Auditing Functions | 12:25 – 01:15 PM | • IFRS and Internal Audit - What Does it Mean | 01:15– 02:05 PM | • Break | 02:05 – 02:20 PM | • IFRS and Internal Audit - What Does it Mean | 02:20 – 03:10 PM | • Panel Discussion | 03:10 – 04:00 PM | * Continental Breakfast, Snacks & Lunch will be provided | * Use Promotional code to avail special discount on full fee | | | WHO SHOULD ATTEND | • CFOs • VP- Finance • Internal Audit Directors • Controllers • Audit Managers • Finance Directors • Finance Managers • Risk Management professionals • Consultants • Internal Controls Managers • Staff Accountants • IT Managers • Information Security Managers • Accountants • Staff/Senior Auditors • Project Managers • SOX Managers | | | | Douglas P. Neary Managing Principal Liquidhub | Douglas Neary partners with clients in a variety of industries to synthesize business objectives, operating constraints and marketplace imperatives into compelling performance improvement strategies. In his 20 year consulting and business leadership career, he has advised and assisted a number of mid-market and Global 1000 firms in pharmaceuticals, discrete manufacturing, chemicals, oil and gas, energy, transportation and consumer packaged goods. Previously, Neary served as the CIO of a $2B international consumer packaged goods manufacturer and led global consulting and systems integration business units within IBM, Cap Gemini and Day & Zimmermann. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Chris Coigne Certified Public Accountant | Chris Coigne is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Internal Auditor and a Certified Fraud Examiner. His CPA/CFF, CIA, CFE’s specialties include: Manufacturing and distribution process review and costing, contractual compliance auditing, fraud investigations, due diligence and Sarbanes-Oxley. Instructor/Discussion Leader at AICPA Instruct on topics including Fraud, Internal Audit, SOX, and Risk Management for state CPA societies including NJ, PA, IL, and FL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Maureen P. Breen, CPA, CMA Senior Manager of Internal Audit Destination Maternity Corporation | Maureen Breen has more than 15 years experience in internal audit and corporate accounting. She has been focused on Sarbanes-Oxley compliance for the past 5 years, implementing an internal audit function at one national retailer and currently managing the internal audit function at another national retailer. Maureen has degrees in accounting, finance and statistics from Temple University, Drexel University and the University of Illinois. She currently teaches finance at Drexel University and collaborates with Penn State Abington's Chemistry department to teach basic accounting and finance principles to chemistry students studying to work in industry. Maureen is also a CPA and CMA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Charles Petosa, MBA, CPA Senior Consultant Relevante, Inc | Chuck is a Certified Public Accountant with 24 years of hands-on experience in business management, including over 19 years reporting to senior management levels. He has a thorough knowledge of financial analysis, management, reporting, business process, internal control, corporate governance and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Chuck has broad experience in industries including real estate, wholesaling, retail, manufacturing, advertising and higher education. He continues to provide organizations with teaching, supervision, training and staff development and has taught a variety of accounting courses at several local colleges and universities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Patricia A. Ritchie, MBA, CIA, CPM Senior Consultant Relevante Inc. | Patricia Ritchie has 10+ years experience working in accounting, finance and audit roles for businesses ranging from small/mid-size private/public to Fortune 1000 firms. She began her career as a Staff Auditor and advanced professionally to develop the skill set for success in positions such as Internal Audit Manager, Corporate Controller, and Project Manager. She attained a Masters Degree in Accounting at Wilkes University, is a current CIA via the Institute of Internal Auditors and attained a CPM from the Project Management Leadership Group. Patricia is currently testing for the PMP and CPA Designation in the State of PA Presently, as a Senior Consultant with Relevante, Patricia is deployed at various clients to provide excellentproject, compliance, accounting, and audit services with a commitment to add value that exceeds customer expectations. Patricia’s industry experience includes • Insurance, P&C • Financial Services, Compliance • IT, Prof. Services, Software Development • Chemical Logistics • Non Profit • Customer Service Operations • Training & Development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Ann M. Aerts Director PricewaterhouseCoopers | Ann is a Director in the Internal Audit Services practice in the Philadelphia office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. She has over 20 years experience serving clients in diverse industries, specializing in internal audit management and delivery (including co-sourcing and outsourcing), internal audit advisory and quality assessment reviews, business process re-engineering, project management office services, account reconciliation projects, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Section 404 compliance projects, internal controls and financial and operational effectiveness assessments and system implementation projects. Prior to joining PwC, Ann held positions as Audit Supervisor for Banc One Corporation, Audit Officer for CoreStates Financial Corporation and Audit Director for Unisys Corporation. Ann holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Wisconsin and a Masters degree in Management from Creighton University. Ann is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Financial Services Auditor and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Internal Auditors. In addition, Ann is a volunteer Big Sister for Big Brother Big Sister of Pennsylvania and serves on the Board of the Girard Coalition Incorporated. | | | | CO-PRESENTERS | |  | | | | SCHEDULE | The Role of Internal Audit in Enterprise Risk Management Time 08:10 – 09:50 AM (EST) CPE Credits 2 - Auditing Speakers Douglas P. Neary Chris Coigne Managing Principal Certified Public Accountant Liquidhub | IFRS and Internal Audit - What Does it Mean Time 01:15 – 02:05 AM (EST) Break 02:05 – 02:20 AM (EST) Continue 02:20 – 03:10 AM (EST) CPE Credits 2 - Auditing Speakers Ann M. Aerts Director PricewaterhouseCoopers | Using IA for Process Improvement Time 10:05 – 10:55 AM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Auditing Speaker Maureen P. Breen, CPA, CMA Senior Manager of Internal Audit Destination Maternity Corporation | Panel Discussion Time 03:10 – 04:00 PM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Auditing Panelists | Douglas P. Neary Managing Principal Liquidhub | Ann M. Aerts Director PricewaterhouseCoopers | Maureen P. Breen, CPA, CMA Senior Manager of Internal Audit Destination Maternity Corporation | Chris Coigne Certified Public Accountant | Charles Petosa, MBA, CPA Senior Consultant Relevante, Inc | Neil Graves Relevante, Inc. | | Managing the Business Risk of Fraud Time 10:55– 11:45 AM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Auditing Speaker Charles Petosa, MBA, CPA Senior Consultant Relevante, Inc | Audit the Auditing Functions Time 12:25– 01:15 PM (EST) CPE Credits 1 - Auditing Speaker Patricia A. Ritchie, MBA CIA CPM Senior Consultant Relevante Inc. | | | | Thursday, October 22, 2009 |  | (Click Here to save the date on your Outlook Calendar) | Time | 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM | Venue | The Conference Center at Penn State Great Valley, Malvern, PA | Cost | $199 | CPE Credits | 8 Auditing credits | Contact | (215) 259-5162 or E-Mail symposiums@relevante.com | Directions | | | | | This Symposium also gives you the opportunity to network with senior professionals from various Fortune 1000 companies. Attendees at our prior events were from companies including: | | | | | | | | | Bryn Mawr Trust Company | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | About Relevante Inc. Relevante is a leading consulting practice providing Accounting & Technology Solutions to Fortune 1000 and other industry leaders. The company services clients throughout the metro markets of Philadelphia, New York and Hyderabad, India. For more information about Relevante, please visit our website at: www.relevante.com. | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  | Relevante Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE Sponsors. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, Nashville TN 37219-2417. Telephone: 615-880-4200. Website: www.nasba.org | | | | | | | | | | |
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