Java Swing requirement at Fort Collins, CO - Need locaL
Greetings!!! Hope you are doing great Please let me know if you have any consultants for this position Java Swing requirement at Location: Start date should be: 09/21 Contract duration: 8 Months. - 6-8 years of Professional experience in Software Design, Development and Maintenance. - More than 3 years of strong GUI development experience using Java Swing. - Eclipse SDK experience strongly desired. - Subversion code repository experience strongly desired. - Java SWT experience a plus. - More than 3 years of experience in developing creative graphical contents using Core Java desktop technologies. - Good candidates will have strong creative skills to create professional quality GUI software. - Experience with various Java based debugging and test tools and APIs. - Any certification related to Java based technology such as Swing will be a plus. Job Description: - Responsible for development of a professional quality graphical user interface (GUI) components using Java Swing and other Java desktop technology and APIs. - Will closely work with GUI Java architect to help develop detail GUI software specification documents to describe the functionality. - Will work other groups to understand dependencies, gather/refine requirements and update various specification documents.
Thanks & Regards
Gopal Kuthadi
Agile Enterprise Solutions Inc.
Ph: 630-242-3952 Extn: 207|| Fax: (630) 206-2397
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