managing-your-group - 14 new messages in 7 topics - abridged
Managing Your Group
Today's most active topics:
* How many groups can i have? - 3 new
* Limiting one member - 3 new
* a group can't be found - 2 new
* cannot send reactivation notices - 2 new
* how can i do not to "Send me a copy of this message" - 2 new
Active Topics
How many groups can i have? - 3 new
Hello I am creating groups for a new Student council. How many groups can i
have? I need 8 or 9 groups, now i only have 6 and when i try to create a new
one i get this message: "You may not create any more groups at this time.
Please try again later." Thanks Emanuel Barros [link] - Sat, Dec 19 2009 9:14
3 messages , 2 authors
How do I view group pages as others do ? - 1 new
One further consideration is that managers and owners are presented with
options not shown to regular members and the general public. To see a group as
others do, log out of Gigi. If access to your pages is restricted to members,
you may find it useful to join the group with a different email address or G
account that doesn't have elevated - Sun, Dec 20 2009 7:01 am
1 message, 1 author
Limiting one member - 3 new
Is it possible to limit one member from posting to the group? i.e., let him
receive messages but not able to post. - Sun, Dec 20 2009 1:41 pm
3 messages , 2 authors
a group can't be found - 2 new
I've crated a group in September but only recently one thing has been pointed
out to me. When searching gg for our group there is no hit for it like it does
not exist. I've tried diffrent setings to change that but the group still
can't be found. Whad do I do? HELP! - Sun, Dec 20 2009 2:10 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
Urgent Help(from Google employee) For Unauthorized Forwarding All Group Info -
1 new
Hi, is anybody here who can help me out of this big issue? - Sun, Dec 20 2009
6:13 pm
1 message, 1 author
cannot send reactivation notices - 2 new
I have a lot of bouncing members on my and no longer
have the capability to send reactivation notices to bouncing members under the
edit function..How do we get good posters mail reset and off bouncing status? being one! Thanks Tom ( - Sun, Dec 20 2009 7:
41 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
how can i do not to "Send me a copy of this message" - 2 new
Hi Aldo Thanks for your reply. I tried on a non-gmail email to post a new
thread.Replies were set to send to whole group And I also received a mail on
behalf of me which didn't happen in the former group. So the group do sent a
mail to the post author. Comparing the setting, there is no difference between
the old and new - Sun, Dec 20 2009 10:23 pm
2 messages , 2 authors
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