Managing-Your-Group - 7 new messages in 7 topics - abridged
Managing Your Group
Today's most active topics:
* Created a Group and my manager status disappeared. - 1 new
* Migrating an outside forum to Google groups - 1 new
* Verify issues... - 1 new
* adding contacts - 1 new
* Getting you are already subscribed error message - 1 new
Active Topics
Created a Group and my manager status disappeared. - 1 new
Anyone out there? Help Please!!!!!! - Wed, Aug 12 2009 4:55 pm
1 message, 1 author
Migrating an outside forum to Google groups - 1 new
Hello, I have an old forum which contains a lot of discussions. I would like
to use a Google group instead but I don't want to loose all of these
discussions. So, I would like to initialize the new Google group with all the
posts of the old forum. Is there a way to PUSH all this data into the new
Google group. - Thurs, Aug 13 2009 2:07 am
1 message, 1 author
Verify issues... - 1 new
In my experience non-verified email addresses CAN post and DO receive the
emails - provided they ARE members of the group. They simply lack the web
interface ability. The problem is people who were invited, but are unable to
ACCEPT the invitation. That's a serious problem in the GoogleGroups
implementation - there is - Thurs, Aug 13 2009 7:12 am
1 message, 1 author
adding contacts - 1 new
Is there any way for me to import contact emails on an excel spreadsheet? I
have over 1,000 contacts (in .xls) to send messages to, and there is no way I
am manually typing in each of their emails to add to my group. Please! Can
anyone help me find an easier, more efficient way to do this? - Thurs, Aug 13
2009 7:22 am
1 message, 1 author
Getting you are already subscribed error message - 1 new
Guess I'll just post this everywhere and maybe someone from Google will see it.
After each posting (response or new thread), we get the message that I copied
below. I get it as the owner and my members get it too. Who does this get
reported to? There is no response from this forum and this has been happening
about 2 weeks now. - Thurs, Aug 13 2009 11:20 am
1 message, 1 author
changing primary e-mail address as group manager - 1 new
Hi I set up a google group for a non profit society (as our webpage
effectively). I am the secretary of the group. I set the group up by signing
in with my work e-mail (as my user name). Now we have a group e-mail (and I
won't be secretary forever) I was to de-personalise the username to our groups
e-mail (not my work one). I am told -by the - Thurs, Aug 13 2009 9:31 pm
1 message, 1 author
Non-profit moving on to google groups? - 1 new
Hi, I'm posting on behalf of a non-profit organization that I am on the board
of. (see information below) Because we were previously us using our executive
director's e-mail account- a messy thing that is hard to sort, remember, send
to large numbers of e-mails at once, and isn't particularly a sound practice-
We decided to switch to goggle groups - Thurs, Aug 13 2009 9:51 pm
1 message, 1 author
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