managing-your-group - 18 new messages in 14 topics - abridged
Managing Your Group
Today's most active topics:
* Owner of Group, But Deleted My Ownership - 3 new
* Olympic Sprint Canoe&Kayak - 2 new
* Restoring banned member back to the group - 2 new
* Group owner problem - 1 new
* Tried to change Group owner to my other account, now I lost the group ownership - 1 new
Active Topics
Group owner problem - 1 new
To confirm I own the other e-mail (amsa (at) amsawusm (dot) org), I'm posting
under the other login name. - Fri, Oct 16 2009 5:49 pm
1 message, 1 author
Olympic Sprint Canoe&Kayak - 2 new
Hi- I created this group Olympic Sprint Canoe&Kayak a while back and Google
does not recognize me as the Group moderator. Can somebody delete the group or
give me admin rights back to it? Thanks. - Sat, Oct 17 2009 9:02 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Tried to change Group owner to my other account, now I lost the group
ownership - 1 new
Aldo, This post was very helpful. My situation is similiar...I created a
google group account with my aol email, then realized I really wanted my yahoo
email. I ended up deleting the first account (with my aol email) and created a
second (with my yahoo email). But I could not set up the original URL name I
wanted -, so I - Sat, Oct 17 2009 9:42 am
1 message, 1 author
To Lisa need help please - 1 new
Hello LIsa, Didn't know you were the new help person, as i just posted on the
"Is something broken page".. But I am hoping you can help. for several days
now I cannot access my main group for Edits. I get the Over Quota note, though
I have done only one or two edits in the past week. I am able to Edit the
other google groups (archives for this main - Sat, Oct 17 2009 9:51 am
1 message, 1 author
Restoring banned member back to the group - 2 new
Group name : [link]Owner : (self) I wish to know how to
restore a banned member (I mistakely banned), back to the group. I tried
adding directly & inviting too. Please help and restore
back to my google group "Oursouls" - Sat, Oct 17 2009 11:38 am
2 messages , 2 authors
Owner of Group, But Deleted My Ownership - 3 new
Hi, you probably think I'm a bonehead - 1) I added my other email address (not
a gmail address) and set it as OWNER of the group. 2) Then I deleted my gmail
address that was the OWNER of the group. Then I realized I couldn't login with
my other, non-gmail address to add/delete participants. What to do? - Sat, Oct
17 2009 1:39 pm
3 messages , 2 authors
I have lost my group Ownership - 1 new
I am in the same situation and can't fix it by myself. My groups with missing
ownership are: - [link]- [link]Regards and thanks for help. - Sat, Oct 17 2009
3:07 pm
1 message, 1 author
When new members subscribe -- - 1 new
Text files that are sent out automatically is a feature of the other service,
one of many features lacking in Gigi (Google Groups -> GG -> Gigi). (Does that
other service's name begin with the letter "Y"?) It's one of many features
that have been requested many times, but further development of Gigi appears
to be on hold. Y! Groups has a - Sat, Oct 17 2009 5:43 pm
1 message, 1 author
A member does not show but they are there, can't readd them - 1 new
Almost surely, your member changed mail address, but added the new mail
address to the already existing Google account. That's enough for explaining
why you can't add or invite him again, his account is already member. He
should be able to change the mail address to be used in your group going to
Edit my membership, and selecting the new mail address from - Sat, Oct 17 2009
6:33 pm
1 message, 1 author
Cant get emails - 1 new
Mah! I clicked on the link, and I was reading: Your account has now been
reactivated and you should now be receiving emails once again. Thank you The
Google Groups Team Does it work, now? Regards Aldo - Sat, Oct 17 2009 6:48 pm
1 message, 1 author
Deleting Invitations - 1 new
Try by following the instructions of: [link]But it's quite strange they're
also in "normal" member list......are they verified and allowed? Or better
said, are you reading something like "non verified - not allowed"? - Sat, Oct
17 2009 6:52 pm
1 message, 1 author
Importing Members - 1 new
Hopefully the thumb rules of adding no more than 10 members at once (one
member for each row!) up to 10 times a day, or inviting no more than 14
members at once are still working...... Hope this helps Aldo - Sat, Oct 17
2009 6:55 pm
1 message, 1 author
Deleted Group Owner with Gmail account; now only non gmail account owner - 1
Hello, Try to delete the non-Gmail address from the Gmail account, [link]and
create with it a new, separated Google (group) account, starting from: [link]
disregarding: If you already have...... Once submitted and verified (you'll
receive a message from Google, - Sat, Oct 17 2009 7:09 pm
1 message, 1 author
Join messages - 1 new
Hello, You should prepare a spreadsheet file, eventually exporting your actual
member list, and add rows and a new column for new members and their "messages
". Sorry, the older are lost. In case, read: [link] - Sat, Oct 17 2009 7:13 pm
1 message, 1 author
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