Sr.Java/J2ee Programmer
Please find below the resume of the Sr.Java/J2ee developer available with me. His current assignment with
He is actively looking for a new contract position. He is open to relocate nationwide.
Please let me know if you have any positions for him.
Looking forward to hear from you…
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
· Over Eight (8) + years of experience in Object Oriented Analysis & Design, development and implementation of Web based applications. Solid understanding of object-oriented design principles and patterns.
· Expertise in server-side and J2EE technologies including Java, EJB, JSP, JSF, Servlets, XML, DOM, SAX, XSLT,DTD, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC.
· Experience in Asynchronous process communication (SOA) using Spring JMS API running in a JBoss MQ server.
· Integrated Apache Axis (SOAP) with spring framework to enable methods from business logic as webservices.
· Extensive working experience on Model View Controller Architecture Framework using Struts and Spring.
· Proficient with J2EE Design patterns like Front Controller, DAO, Business Delegate & Session Facade.
· Experience on Websphere, Weblogic, JBoss application servers and Tomcat Web server.
· Experience with RAD development IDE Eclipse 3.0/3.3, Eclipse for JEE developers, JBoss IDE for Eclipse.
· Experience in database and application modeling tools like ERWin, Microsoft Visio Professional 2007 for designing UML diagrams, Workflows, Architecture diagrams and generating ERDs by reverse Engineering.
· Experience in writing SQL server Procedures for Data base migrations and returning data from web applications, writing PLSQL.
· Experience in writing technical documentation, functional specifications, technical specifications.
· Expertise in R&D for analyzing complex business problems and developing POC (Proof of Concepts) as a solution implementing new technologies/open source java/javaScript libraries(DOM Objects, DOJO,, YUI, GWT), SSO( Single Sign ON), Pin Server Security, Acegi Security, LDAP.
· Experience on writing logs using Log4j.
· Experience in working with CVS, VSS,TortoiseSVN version control systems.
· Experience in writing client side validations using JavaScript and server side validation using spring framework Validators.
· Experience in developing UI using XHTML/HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript Toolkits (Dojo, prototype,,GWT), Web2.0 technologies with cross browser compatibility for better user experience.
· Working knowledge in XML, DTD using SAX, DOM, and XSLT.
· Experience on Validation framework using Struts and Spring.
· Experience in Spring Framework, Hibernate and
· Experience in complete lifecycle (SDLC) of the project involving Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of the Project.
· Extensive experience in web-based, n-tier architecture and related technologies with software development process involving Agile and Iterative Methodologies.
· Strong Team spirit, communication and relationship management skills, Analytical and problem solving skills, self starter, high level of professionalism.
Operating Systems: MS Windows 95/98/2000/XP, UNIX, MAC
Languages: Java 1.4/1.5, SQL, PLSQL, C, C++, HTML, DHTML, UML, JavaScript (Dom Objects, Dojo,
Java Technologies: J2SE, J2EE, EJB, JNDI, JMS, JAX RPC, JAXB, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Struts, spring, Spring JMS,
Apache Axis, JDOM, XPATH, RMI, OOAD, Java Beans, Hibernate, JPA and Log4j.
Version Control: VSS, CVS, TortoiseSVN 1.3.3
Scripting languages: Java Script, DHTML, Knowledge on Shell.
App/Web Servers: IBM WebSphere 5.1.2, BEA Weblogic Server, Tomcat and JBoss.
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server 2000/2005, MS Access, MySQL, DB2
IDE/Tools: Eclipse3.0/3.2/,JBoss IDE for Eclipse, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Xml Spy, Rational
Rose2000, WSAD, Erwin, Microsoft Visio Professional 2007.
Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A)
Bachelor of Science
Senior Java/ J2EE Developer
Straus Conservation Management System
Collections Online
Public Website
Civil War
4D Database Migration
Straus Conservation Management system is the web based business application for conservation department of
· Designed/Implemented/Updated Spring MVC Framework.
· Played Key role in Design, Development and Implementation of Core functionality of High profile project Straus conservation Management System for Harvard's Conservation Department for Research and Technical Studies.
· Designed/Developed user interface/presentation using HTML, Struts Menu, JavaScript (DOM), CSS, JSP, JSTL.
· Implemented JavaScript Tools/Utilities for providing spell checks on form text area fields.
· Implemented JavaScript tool for providing Zoom Effect on Images.
· Implemented JavaScript Calendar utility for picking dates in date fields using calendar.
· Developed Views (JSP) with forms using spring binding of form fields with java classes as command classes, use of advanced HTML DOM for providing Layers and image annotation functionality for fast, easy and friendly user experience along with implementation of the
· Developed front end interfaces/UI Prototypes using advanced HTML, DHTML, JavaScript (DOM Objects, Toolkits: Dojo,, YUI, GWT).
· Key role/involvement in Redesigning and Development of the Public Website using CMS (Content Management system) dotCMS (A Java Based CMS frammework).
· Developed/Implemented various Spring Controllers like SimpleFormController, AbstractController, BaseCommandController, Multiaction Controller with use of spring IOC injected properties to controllers configured in spring context servlet xml file.
· Developed POJO java classes in business layer using Interface modeling design to control exposure of class properties and methods along with abstract classes for extending common business properties and methods.
· Developed Reports module for providing proposals and invoices in PDF format for conservation activities and expenses.
· Developed Analytical Documents module for allowing conservators/scientists to attach PDF documents to the their conservation objects and store it in network file storage locations and also providing advanced search functionality within the documents for keywords.
· Developed imaging module where users could associate images to there conservation work and also could annotate or associate text on the image to the hotspot mark on the image and advanced search functionality was also provided to search within the annotations for set of words or keywords and also extracted embedded image metadata .
· Developed Persistence layer with DAO pattern and implementation classes using spring jdbcTemplate class and data is persisted to SQL server 2005.
· Implemented Authentication and Authorization using Harvard Pin Server Security Java library.
· Provided support to users by fixing critical application bugs reported through web bug tracker/JIRA.
· Played key roles in implementing new technologies like upgrading spring version from 1.2 to 2.0 and upgrading DWR 1.0 to DWR 2.0, upgrading servlet specification to 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSTL 1.2, JavaScript Libraries, Image zooming, image metadata extraction, Network Authentication implementation for accessing network file server for files and images, Advanced Document search Engine.
· Developed POC (Proof of Concepts) for new modules on the basis of user requests and feedbacks for client approvals like image module, analytical documents/samples module, search engine for documents.
· Legacy data migration from 4D database to SQL Server 2005 which required R&D on ways to extract whole data from the 4d Database and once the data is extracted into files then importing the data to sql server 2005 as a new database and then writing procedures which mapped the old 4d database fields to the current sql server 2005 database in use by transforming the data inserting into correct tables making sure the current web application works fine with both migrated and current data.
· Designed /Generated workflow diagrams, application architecture, UML Diagrams, ERDs, using Microsoft Visio Professional.
· Played lead role in analyzing complex and challenging business requirements and provide solutions by developing POCs for client approvals which involves R&D for implementing new technologies and implemented as modules in the business web application.
· Designed and developed the application using n-tier architecture and following Agile Development process methodology.
· Played key role in architect the application.
· Used several design patterns like session facade, Business delegate, DAO, Singleton etc.
· Played lead role in developing the application.
· Implemented XML Transformation Using XML parsers.
· Developed ANT scripts for building application for deployment. Application is first developed in development environment then promoted to test servers for client testing and finally deployed to production server/environment.
· Involved in the documentation, planning and scheduling of the project, documented technical and functional specifications for the project, documented test scripts for users.
· Designed and Developed Java Objects based on Java Patterns and UML Specifications
· Prepared Hibernate mapping files and prepared POJOs and developed POC to implement Object relation mapping technique for persistence as a part of R&D.
· User client level validations with JavaScript, controller level validation using spring validator java classes.
· Experience in writing logs using Log4j.
· Performing debugging, testing and review of the programs.
· Developed POC(Proof Of Concepts) on various alternative technologies as part of performing R&D like configuring DWR with spring for AJAX implementation, Reading RSS feeds using RSSUtils package, java charts using Jfreecharts, view technologies like JSF, Velocity in MVC framework, Persistence technologies Hibernate, JPA with spring framework, Configuration of JBoss server in test environment to run multiple instances.
· Developed POC for Integrating Spring JMS for Asynchronous Message processing (SOA) using JMSTemplate.
· Integration of Apache Axis with Spring framework for enabling methods from business logic as webservices.
Environment: JDK1.5, Hibernate3.0, JSP.20,JSTL, JSF, Servlet2.3/2.4, Struts1.2, Spring1.2/2.0.8, Spring JMS, Apache Axis, JDOM, XPATH, SQL Server 2000/2005, JBOSS 4.3/4.0.4GA/5.0GA, Eclipse3.0/3.3, JBoss IDE2.0,HTML,CSS, Web2.0, dotCMS(CMS), XHTML, DOM, XML, XSLT,SAX,DOM, JavaScript(Advanced DOM objects, Toolkits: Dojo,, YUI, GWT), SVN, JUnit , Ant Script, Log4j,Commons-collections-3.1,commons-configuration-1.1,commons-filupload-1.2.1,commons-io-1.4,common-jxpath-1.1,commons-lang2.1,commons-logging,commons-validator,DWR 1.0/2.0,iText-1.4,jcifs-1.1.11,Log4j-1.2.9,lucene-core-2.3,jfreechart, metadata-extractor-2.3.1,pdftextstream-2.2.1,struts-menu-2.3.
LMS-FC Integration
J2EE Developer
The purpose of this project is to convert the FinancialCampus (FC) product from its existing Intralearn platform to the NETg KnowledgeNet LMS Platform. Also included in this project are any modifications or enhancements needed to the core NETg LMS product in order for the FinancialCampus product/service (courses, exams, regulatory services) to fulfill the client business requirements currently satisfied.
· Developed user interface module using HTML, JSP and MVC framework.
· Advanced JavaScript with layers and Dom objects are implemented for better user experience.
· Developed front end interfaces/UI Prototypes(POCs) using advanced HTML, DHTML, JavaScript(DOM Objects, Toolkits: Dojo,, YUI, GWT)
· Analysis of the specifications provided by Thomson.
· Designed and developed some of the modules of the application using n-tier architecture.
· Played key role in architect the application.
· Database modeling and ER diagrams generation using Erwin.
· Written database procedures using PLSQL.
· Used several design patterns like session facade, Business delegate, Singleton etc.
· Played lead role in developing the application.
· Implemented the Struts feature(s).
· Implemented XML Transformation Using SAX & Dom parsers.
· Developed ANT scripts for building application for deployment.
· Involved in the documentation, planning and scheduling of the project.
· Designed and Developed Java Objects based on Java Patterns and UML Specifications
· Prepared Hibernate mapping files and prepared POJOs and developed POC to implement Object relation mapping technique for persistence as a part of R&D.
· Developed/Integrated Spring JMS for asynchronous message processing module with Spring 2 using JMSTemplate.
· Intergrated Apache Axis (SOAP Webservice) for enabling methods from business logic as webservices.
· User client level validations with JavaScript.
· Integrated Spring JMS for Asynchronous Message processing (SOA) using JMSTemplate.
· Integration of Apache Axis with Spring framework for enabling methods from business logic as webservices.
· Experience in writing logs using Log4j.
· Performing debugging, testing and review of the programs.
Environment: JDK1.4, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Struts1.1, Spring, Spring JMS 1.0.2, Apache Axis, JDOM, XPATH, JAXB, <DAP, Acegi security, Oracle, PLSQL, Weblogic8.1, Eclipse3.0, HTML,DHTML, XML, XSLT, SAX,SOAP, WSDL, DOM, Web services, WEB 2.0, AJAX, JavaScript(DOM objects, toolkits like dojo,, google web toolkit),Erwin, Microsoft Visio, CVS, JUnit, Ant Script, Log4j.
CSE- India June 2005 – December 2006
J2EE Developer
· Presentation layer was developed using HTML, CSS, JAVAScript, JSP, Taglibs and Java Beans library.
· Developed framework classes for Presentation Layer by extending the core Struts framework Form beans, Action Classes.
· Designed and developed modules of the application using n-tier architecture.
· Played key role in architect the web applications.
· Used several design patterns like DAO,session facade, Business delegate, Singleton etc.
· Played lead role in developing the web applications.
· Develop and design front ends and interfaces and provide database connectivity to save, modify and search database.
· Used Hibernate in the persistence layer to store/retrieve information from Database.
· Prepared Hibernate mapping files and prepared POJOs
· Deployed applications on Application Servers- Weblogic, Tomcat
· Involved in Analysis and Design and developed Use Case diagrams, Sequence diagrams and Class diagrams, ER diagrams for database(Forward/reverse Engineering) using Visio, Erwin Tools.
· Written XML Descriptors to configure form beans, action classes and validations in struts frameworks and command objects, controllers, views, validations, IOC in spring framework.
· Involved in coding the Persistence Framework classes, which are responsible for creating and updating customer data using object comparators
· Develop Programming Codes for Software projects using J2EE Technologies
· Analyze/Develop/Design Programs for the Web Application.
· Develop and design front ends and interfaces and provide database connectivity to save, modify and search database
Environment: Windows 2000 Server / Professional, Windows XP Prof/Home, HTML,DHTML,CSS, XML, SAX, SOAP, CVS, JAVA, JavaScript, ERwin, Visio, Eclipse3.0, WAS, MSSQL Server 2000,Oracle,PLSQL, MySql, DB2, J2EE (JSP, Servlets, JAVA Beans, EJB,TOMCAT, Websphere and WEBLOGIC SERVERS), STRUTS, Hibernate, Ajax, Spring, Webservices
Job Search Web Portal
J2EE Developer
This is a web portal that is being developed at Webcom Technologies for IICE India to give complete online solutions for managing Job Seekers, Employers. It also provides profile management and job searches using different criteria. It also provides information about important activities. A Job seeker logins and see the available jobs matching his profile. Employers can login and pick the resumes.J2ee Frame of MVC is applied using Struts.
· Design and development of UI Screens JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
· Used Composite View Pattern to divide the view into pieces for better management.
· Applied MVC architecture using Struts
· Writing Helper classes and business objects for the application.
· Developed JSP's in handling user requests, interacting with beans to process input and responding the user.
· Data storage and retrieval process from SQL Server 7.0 by using JDBC for data access.
· Involved in the Front-end validations using JavaScript.
· Designed and developed beans that handled business logic.
· Involved in testing and integration of all the modules.
Environment: J2EE (JDK1.3, JSP, Servlet, Java Beans), Java, Struts1.0, Weblogic 6.1, SQL Server, Weblogic7.0, Windows 2000, VSS.
Student Management System
This is a web portal that is being developed at NIIT Banur
· Design and development of UI Screens JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
· Used Composite View Pattern to divide the view into pieces for better management.
· Writing Helper classes and business objects for the application.
· Developed JSP's in handling user requests, interacting with beans to process input and responding the user.
· Data storage and retrieval process from SQL Server 7.0 by using JDBC for data access.
· Involved in the Front-end validations using JavaScript.
· Designed and developed beans that handled business logic.
· Involved in testing and integration of all the modules.
Environment: jdk1.2, JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, JDBC, SQLServer7.0, Tomcat, HTML, JavaScript
Thanking you,
Vijay Kumar LD | Head – Sales
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