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Sep 3, 2009

ONEin3 Money is Coming to Your Neighborhood!

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We've had an extraordinary response to the launch of ONEin3 Money--all available spots booked up in just one day! We're very proud to be meeting what is obviously a pressing need for so many of us.
We've received a lot of emails asking if there is any extra room available at the Launch Event. Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately, we have reached capacity for our event space. Fortunately, though, there is MUCH more to ONEin3 Money.
In addition to the dynamic website that will include Boston- and ONEin3-specific articles, posts, and conversations about how to spend, save, and invest wisely, ONEin3 Money is going on the road!
Our volunteer financial expert Jennifer Lane, commentator for CNBC and NECN, is bringing her financial workshop tailored to the concerns of young adults to neighborhoods across the city. Starting with Dorchester on October 21st, these ONEin3 Money Events will be hosted by ONEin3's Neighborhood Groups in a different neighborhood each month. Keep your eyes peeled for the complete calendar and event details in this newsletter, on our Facebook page, through our Twitter feed, and on our website when it launches on September 17th!.
Thank you again for all the enthusiasm you've expressed for this campaign already! We look forward to helping all ONEin3ers get financially healthy, wealthy, and wise.
#Bostonmoney on Twitter!
ONEin3 Money's campaign for financial health has many components, including its own hashtag on Twitter: #Bostonmoney
Search for, RT, comment on, and add to tweets with the #Bostonmoney tag for topical info on budgeting, saving, and other financial subjects of interest specifically to ONEin3ers.
ONEin3 has almost 1200 followers on Twitter. Use the #Bostonmoney tag to tweet about local deals, the trials of living (and having a life!) on a starter salary, money-saving ideas, and anything else that might be of financial interest to your fellow ONEin3ers. 
#Bostonmoney posts will also feed to the ONEin3 Money microsite, to be opened the day of the Power in Numbers Event Launch. Let your voice be heard!

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See what all the buzz is about!
(No need to join to read our feed)

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ONEin3 Boston | Boston Redevelopment Authority | 1 City Hall Square | Boston | MA | 02201


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